Agriculture/Crop Management

Participatory Crop Management Program-: Nowgong Agriculture Crop Producer private Company Limited Nowgong, by participate variety selection program media in village – singrawan kalan, Veerpura, formers by put down wheat trail initially. 4 varieties of Wheat, Lok 1, HI 147, GW 233, GW 375 put down on agriculture land. Whole variety of seed swing 5-5 Kg. in 4 variety foundation seed and 1 variety local seed swing. In all varieties swings, fertilizer, pesticide, irrigation practices have been put the same. After production it was found that seeds distributed by Nowgong Agriculture Producer Company were 2 times more productive than local seeds.

Chilli Hybrid BSS 375 planting in village Singrawan kalan & Veerpura was also distributed as land soil of these villages were found good in chilli production. Thereafter production of chili becomes very beneficial for farmers.

n Participatory variety selection program, time to time visit programs were organised for the farmers in which they observed the successful farmers and they were given knowledge about the program, high yielding strains and benefits of using these verities. Then after the number of farmers using these high yielding strains have been radically increased and now very poor farmers also being a member of this company, operating it and doing business of these hybrid strains by themselves.